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This fully automatic life jacket from SECUMAR combines a modern, compact design with high wearing comfort. With a double-lined chamber and a float with improved turning properties, the SURVIVAL 275 DUO PROTECT is suitable for use in coastal and offshore waters.

Why five working days delivery time?
We deliver a fresh life jacket. This is from the latest SECUMAR production and the first maintenance date is not due for at least two years.

The buoyancy chamber of this vest can be easily and safely retrieved and packed using integrated zipper in the cover. The ergonomically shaped shoulder area and a padded back area offer more freedom of movement for the head and neck and allow the vest to be worn comfortably even over longer periods of time.

The click closure allows the vest to be put on easily, securely and quickly. The textile D-ring on the harness increases the wearing comfort also in connection with a safety line. The complete functional readiness of the automatic vest (automatic tablet, compressed gas cartridge, manual release) can be checked with a glance from the outside through the control window in the protective cover.

Autriebsklasse275 N (ISO 12402)
AufblastechnikSECUMATIC 4001S
Tatsächlicher Auftrieb280 N
CO2 Patrone60 g CO2 Dock
SchwimmkörpersystemWinglet-Schwimmkörper, Duo Protect Doppelwandsystem, schnelleres Drehen in die Rückenlage
StandardaussstellungSchutzhülle, Softshell im Nackenbereich, Mundventil, Signalflöte, Reflektierende Paspel, Servicereißverschluss, Aufhängeschlaufe, Westentasche zur Aufbewahrung
VerschlussClick-Verschluss vorne
RückenteilGepolstertes Rückenteil, Höhenverstellbar Rückengurt
Größe / Körpergewichtab 50 kg
Ersatzset60 g C02
Article-No. 3286-932

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