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North sea & river Elbe
4 products
KARTENWERFT Inland chart atlas 4 Elbe - Hamburg
€49.90 *
New edition in march 2023.This chart collection of the river Elbe was released by the publisher KARTENWERFT from Flensburg with a special spiral binding.The handy harbour pilot comprises 30 single charts at a scale of 1:40.000 as well as 17 detailed charts (1:10.000 or 1:20.000).Included are the estuaries Cuxhaven-Hamburg-Magdeburg: the lower river Elbe and its tributaries, Hamburger Oberelbe, Alster, Elbe-Lübeck channel and the northern Mittelelbe.Also included is extensive pilotage information and navigational advice besides the graphically very clearly arranged chart material.The digital charts in the KARTENWERFT APP for Apple iOS and Android can be unlocked with the product key supplied free of charge.52 pages, DIN A3 horizontal, spiral binding, soft cover.

KARTENWERFT Inland chart atlas Elbe Laminated single cards
€9.90 *
Diese ausgewählten Blätter aus den Elbekarten der KARTENWERFT stehen auch als laminierte Einzelkarten zur Verfügung. Die Karten sind ideal für den Einsatz auf kleineren Schiffen wie Jolle, Jollenkreuzer, Paddel- und Angelboot geeignet.Diese vollwertigen Seekarten sind handlich, robust, wetterfest und durch die matte Laminierung effektiv entspiegelt. Sie beinhalten sämtliche relevante Informationen für Skipper und Crew. Format: DIN A3, wasserfest laminiert.Massstab 1:40.000 bzw. 1:10.000/1:20.000.

DIE ELBE - Reprint von 1932
€19.90 *
We have the last copies of the popular reprint back in stock!The Elbe Atlas was a popular navigation aid for Elbe sailors for many years.This reprint of the 1932 edition (from Cuxhaven to Lauenburg) allows a look far back into the past.Where were the sands 90 years ago?Which harbours could be approached more easily because siltation was not such a big issue?How did the buoyage of the river change?It is exciting to compare the Elbe of today with the state of the river 90 years ago. That's why the reprint has proved so popular as a gift.DIN A4 format, paperback. German edition.
NV CHARTS Atlas North Sea
€65.00 *
NV Charts also offers its usual DIN A2 charts as NV Charts atlases. Here, the format of the nautical charts is optimised for use on yachts and pleasure boats.With the fold and the stitching in the middle of the chart, the nautical chart set becomes a booklet in the handy DIN A3 format. The size of the nautical charts remains the same and all details are preserved. The very flat stapling allows easy work with the course triangle even when the nautical chart is opened.The size of the atlases and the chart format (unfolded) correspond to the NV Charts sports boat combi-packs.Contents of each atlas:oversailerarea charts and detailed chartsharbour mapsMonthly, free correction service of the current nautical charts in season (April - October) as downloadNVCharts app for mobile devices (iOS and Android) for free downloadclear pocketAtlas in handy DIN A3 format (42 x 30 cm). Size of the unfolded nautical chart: DIN A2 (42 x 60 cm).The new nautical charts are available around middle of March.