Strong stainless steel boom fitting for sailing boats and small yachts.The boom claw has four nylon rings to protect the boom and the sail.Material thickness: 6 mm.Made in Germany!
Ring for lugger rigging, to hoist the yard (gaff).Beautiful simple bronze fitting, welded, cleanly sewn by hand with leather.The halyard suspension is constructed in such a way that the ring stays approximately horizontal under load and thus has little friction.D2 should be approximately 1.2 times the size of the largest mast diameter.
Brass cleat with curved base for direct attachment to the spar (bearing radius 41 mm). In addition to being used as a mast cleat for halyards, it can also be used on the main boom to attach reefing tackles and stretchers or on the jib boom to attach the jib ringhaul or the water stay. The elegant cleat is produced by WILMEX and is designed for rope diameters of 10-14 mm.
Classic boom fitting for sailing boats and small yachts with roller-reefing (with turning booms). The boom claw has four nylon rings to protect the boom and the sail.For simple sheet leads, use just one boom claw.By combining two boom claws, a complete, strong sheet car (lenght 300 mm) with three purchase points can be mounted, on which the mainsheet can be attached. Deliverable in two versions: a small one made from brass, cleanly polished or a bigger one made from aluminium bronze
Classic mast-fitting set for round masts and round, oval, or square booms.Made in England, from high-quality marine bronze.The mast fitting is made up of two strong bolted rings of cast bronze, polished, and the screwed-on gooseneck.The (undrilled) boom fitting is cast in a single piece and can be either embedded in the boom or attached to the outer boom.The connected gooseneck is also a cleanly made cast piece.We offer this fitting mounted as a complete set, with a welded-on reefing hook fitting (for two reefs).D2 is the mast diameter.This fitting has a hand-crafted design and finish, and matches very well with our gaff saddle fitting.Other sizes and combinations are available on demand.
Traditional gaff claw (claw fitting).The sturdy gaff saddle has a hand sewn leather cover, which protects the mast finish and may be greased to ease sliding.The gaff end fitting is cast of marine bronze and hand-polished.Clew fitting with ring for the halyard and for the sail, made of welded bronze, shiny polished.This hand-finished fitting is a functional piece of art for any traditional boat or yacht.The complete set matches our mast and boom fittings in size and finish.D2 should not be less than 1.15 times the size of the largest mast diameter.Not appropriate for high peak or Gunter riggings. The inclination of the gaff should not be less than 40°.Other sizes and combinations are available on demand.