Simple inflatable life jacket of the 100N class according to ISO 12402-4, with a manual release.Especially qualified as emergency equipment on ships sailing inland, which are required to carry such life jackets, or as standby equipment on other ships. The floating body comes vacuumized in a robust transparent bag. Very small storage size. Orange colour with reflective stripes and a signal whistle. Life time 10 years (if an annual self-check is carried out on board) . No external service required, if stored under appropriate conditions..
Automatic lifejacket for universal use in industrial and commercial areas, for inland and seagoing navigation. The SECUMAR ALPHA 150 is easy to handle and extremely comfortable to wear - the patented folding of the buoyancy chamber ensures a flat shape. It fits snugly around the body so that it is hardly noticed when worn. The removable and washable neck fleece increases the wearing comfort.Why five working days delivery time? We deliver a fresh life jacket. This is from the latest SECUMAR production and the first maintenance date is not due for at least two years. When inflated, the lifejacket is automatically brought into the correct position by the back strap, guaranteeing an optimal fit.The SECUMAR ALPHA 150 is equipped with the patented SECUMAR CLICK-fitting. ModelALPHA 150Buoyancy class150 N (ISO 12402-3)ApprovalCEType of buoyancyinflatableInflation technologySECUMATIC 3001 SReal buoyancy160 NCO2 cartridge32 gBuoyancy chamber systemCLASSIC bright orangeStandard equipmentProtective cover, washableneck fleece, oral valve, whistle, front zip pocket, life jacket storage bag.ColorblueHarnessnoClosureclick closure at the frontBack partadjustable back strapCrotch strapnoRecovery beltyesSpraycapnoEmergency lightoptionalTransmitter preparationnoInspection windownoReflective stripesyessize / body weightfrom 50 kgType of clothinglight clothingSpare set32 g C02Article-No. 3286-927
Affordable 275 N class automatic life jacket with slim cut and contemporary design.Why delivery time?We deliver a fresh life jacket to you. This vest comes from the latest KADEMATIC production and the first maintenance date is not due for at least two years. Of course, you are welcome to try on this life jacket (as well as all other KADEMATIC models we offer) as a sample in our shop.The life jacket is equipped with a harness, a D-ring and a simple rectangular buckle. A neck fleece provides additional comfort.The "F" stands for the "window" in the lifejacket protective cover, through which you can see the status of the automatic release at a glance: green equals ready for use.A leg strap and a lifejacket light can be retrofitted.ModellNAUTOMATIC 275 AL-FProtective Coverblack/redHarnessyes, with D-ringWeight1500 gApprovalEN ISO 12402-2Buoyancy class275 NewtonBuoyancy290 NewtonLeg strapretrofittableEmergency lightretrofittableSpraycapnoSpare set63 g CO2 Article 3214-118
MED/SOLAS approval.Professional quality 275N class automatic life jacket for sailors in heavy foul weather clothing or survival suits in international commercial shipping and offshore operations. The vest is equipped with double-chamber buoyancy chamber, safety quick-release buckle, harness with double D-ring (alternatively without) and LED lifejacket light. It complies with SOLAS 74/78, IMO Res MSC.81(70), MSC.200(80), MSC.207(81), MSC.226(82), DIN EN-ISO 12401 (Harness), DIN EN-ISO 12402-2.Why delivery time?We deliver a fresh life jacket. This vest comes from the latest KADEMATIC production and the first maintenance date is not due for at least two years.For adults from 150 cm tall with a body weight of 50 to 120 kg.The HD version (heavy duty) has an extra robust protective cover. The orange-coloured protective cover withstands mechanical, chemical and thermal influences. It complies with EN 530 (abrasion resistance), EN 348 (metal splashes), EN 863 (puncture resistance) and EN 6529 (chemical resistance, e.g. to tuolol, hexane, acetone or ethyl acetate).As an accessory (see "Accessories" below) a spray cap (Article-No. 3214-191) can be sewn on by the manufacturer. A leg strap SOLAS (Article-No. 3224-106) can be added by yourself.Modell275 SOLASProtective Coverblue, orangeHarnessoptionalWeight1800 gApprovalEN ISO 12402-2EN ISO 12401 (Harness)Buoyancy class275 NewtonBuoyancy280 NewtonLeg strapretrofittableArticle 3224-106Emergency lightyesSpraycapretrofittableArticle 3214-191Spare set2x 63 g CO2Article 3214-118
The advantages of the SECUMAR ALPHA 275 SOLAS life jacket are its light weight and particularly comfortable fit. The vest was specially developed for industrial and commercial use in inland and offshore areas and complies with the current SOLAS regulations.Why five working days delivery time? We deliver a fresh life jacket. This is from the latest SECUMAR production and the first maintenance date is not due for at least two years. The lifejacket has a high wearing comfort even when inflated and the 3D float design allows an excellent rotation effect even with heavy clothing. The three-dimensional design significantly increases the position and visibility of the person in the water, so that the integrated safety light as well as the optionally attachable distress beacon are up to 20 cm higher above the water than with conventional life jackets. The buoyancy chamber is very robust due to the flexible double wall. The patented double-chamber membrane technology with an additional manually inflatable float ensures optimum safety in accordance with current SOLAS regulations.The lifejacket has a spraycap.The neck fleece prevents chafing on the life jacket during long periods of wear and can be removed for washing.The life jacket is equipped with the patented SECUMATIC 4001S automatic release system. The viewing window allows you to see whether the inflator and CO2 cartridge are ready for use. A optional cartridge lock prevents unintentional deployment.ModellALPHA 275 SOLASBuoyancy class275 N (ISO 12402-2)ApprovalCE, SOLASType of buoyancyinflatableInflation technologySECUMATIC 4001S and manual inflator SECU 401 SMReal buoyancy290 NCO2 cartridge60 g DockBuoyancy chamber system3D buoyancy chamber system, bright orange, twin chamber membrane technology, overpressure valveStandard equipmentmouth valve, whistleColorblueHarnessoptionalClosurefront click buckleBack partdivisible back strapCrotch strapoptionalRecovery beltyesSpraycapyesEmergency lightyesTransmitter preparationnoInspection windownoReflective stripesyessize / body weightover 43 kgType of clothingheavy weather clothing, dry suitsSpare set60 g C02Article-Nr. 3286-932
275N class automatic life jacket in professional quality, with large buoyancy for easy turning into the supine position. The life jacket is equipped with a practical click quick-release fastener, back strap, neck fleece, window for quick control of the release mechanism and storage bag.Why delivery time?We deliver a fresh life jacket. This comes from the latest production of KADEMATIC and the first maintenance date is not due for at least two years.The KADEMATIC 275 F is equally suitable for recreational and professional navigation. The life jacket is used as a reliable work safety vest for all work on and in waters, even with heavy work clothing and for offshore operations, and is approved by the Employer's Liability Insurance Association in the area of BGR 201 (DGUV Rule 112-201).In the 275 F-RV version, the protective cover is closed with a zip instead of Velcro.For adults from 150 cm tall with a body weight of 50 to 120 kg.As an accessory (see "Accessories" below), a spray cap (Article-No. 3214-191) can be sewn on by the manufacturer. A SOLAS LED lifejacket light (Article-No. 3213-024) and a leg strap standard (Article-No. 3224-101) can be added by yourself.Modell275 FProtective coverblueHarnessnoWeight1300 gApprovalEN ISO 12402-2Buoyancy class275 NewtonBuoyancy290 NewtonLeg strapretrofittableArticle 3224-101Emergency lightretrofittableArticle 3213-024SpraycapretrofittableArticle 3214-191Spare set63 g CO2 Article 3214-118
The fully automatic life jacket SURVIVAL 220 scores with special wearing comfort and offers maximum buoyancy in the 150N class. More freedom of movement for head and neck is given by the ergonomically shaped shoulder area. The short cut and the padding in the back area ensure a comfortable wearing feeling even over longer periods of time.Why five working days delivery time? We deliver a fresh life jacket. This is from the latest SECUMAR production and the first maintenance date is not due for at least two years. Of course, you are welcome to try on this vest (as well as a lot of other SECUMAR models we offer) as a sample in our shop.The new type of SURVIVAL float allows a quick turning in the supine position in the water, via the orange zipper the float can be easily and safely made ready again after use. With the click closure the vest can be put on easily, safely and quickly. The textile D-ring on the harness of the vest increases the wearing comfort also in connection with a safety line.The complete functional readiness of the SECUMATIC 4001S automatic release system (automatic tablet, compressed gas cartridge, manual release) can be checked by looking into the control window of the protective cover.ModelSURVIVAL 220Buoncy class150 N (ISO 12402)ApprovalCEType of buoyancyinflatableInflation technologySECUMATIC 4001SReal buoyancy220 NCO2 cartridge43 g CO2 DockBuoyancy chamber systemSECUMAR Winglet buoyancy chamber, retro-reflective strips, dedicated light attachment point, in protective coverstandard equipmentIn protective cover, Softshell neck area, oral valve, whistle, manual override, reflective strips, firing mechanism acccess zip, suspension loop, lifejacket storage bagColorlight-blue/blue or light-grey/greyHarnessyesClosurefront click buckleBack partpadded back strap, Vertically adjustable back strapCrotch strapyesRecovery beltyesSpraycapyesEmergency lightoptionalTransmitter preparationyesInspection windowyesReflective stripesyesSize / body weightover 50 kgType of clothingheavy weather clothingSpare set60 g C02Article-No. 3286-934
This fully automatic life jacket from SECUMAR combines a modern, compact design with high wearing comfort. With a double-lined chamber and a float with improved turning properties, the SURVIVAL 275 DUO PROTECT is suitable for use in coastal and offshore waters.Why five working days delivery time? We deliver a fresh life jacket. This is from the latest SECUMAR production and the first maintenance date is not due for at least two years. The buoyancy chamber of this vest can be easily and safely retrieved and packed using integrated zipper in the cover. The ergonomically shaped shoulder area and a padded back area offer more freedom of movement for the head and neck and allow the vest to be worn comfortably even over longer periods of time.The click closure allows the vest to be put on easily, securely and quickly. The textile D-ring on the harness increases the wearing comfort also in connection with a safety line. The complete functional readiness of the automatic vest (automatic tablet, compressed gas cartridge, manual release) can be checked with a glance from the outside through the control window in the protective cover.ModellSURVIVAL 275 DUO PROTECTAutriebsklasse275 N (ISO 12402)ZuassungCEAuftriebsartaufblasbarAufblastechnikSECUMATIC 4001STatsächlicher Auftrieb280 NCO2 Patrone60 g CO2 DockSchwimmkörpersystemWinglet-Schwimmkörper, Duo Protect Doppelwandsystem, schnelleres Drehen in die RückenlageStandardaussstellungSchutzhülle, Softshell im Nackenbereich, Mundventil, Signalflöte, Reflektierende Paspel, Servicereißverschluss, Aufhängeschlaufe, Westentasche zur AufbewahrungFarbeblauHarnessjaVerschlussClick-Verschluss vorneRückenteilGepolstertes Rückenteil, Höhenverstellbar RückengurtSchrittgurtjaBergegurtjaSpraycapjaNotlichtoptionalSendervorbereitungjaInspektionsfensterjaReflexstreifenjaGröße / Körpergewichtab 50 kgBekleidungstypSchlechtwetter-BekleidungErsatzset60 g C02Article-No. 3286-932
The fully automatic life jacket of the 275N class scores with special wearing comfort and is suitable for coastal and offshore sailing, even with heavy weather protective clothing. More freedom of movement for head and neck is given by the ergonomically shaped shoulder area. The compact design and the padding in the back area ensure a comfortable wearing feeling even over longer periods of time.Why five working days delivery time? We deliver a fresh life jacket. This is from the latest SECUMAR production and the first maintenance date is not due for at least two years. Of course, you are welcome to try on this vest (as well as a lot of other SECUMAR models we offer) as a sample in our shop. The patented SURVIVAL float has improved turning properties, via the orange zipper the float can be easily and safely made ready again after use. With the click closure the vest can be put on easily, safely and quickly. The textile D-ring on the harness of the vest increases the wearing comfort also in connection with a safety line.The complete functional readiness of the SECUMATIC 4001S automatic release system (automatic tablet, compressed gas cartridge, manual release) can be checked with a glance through the control window in the protective cover.ModelSURVIVAL 275Buoncy class275 N (ISO 12402)ApprovalCEType of buoyancyinflatableInflation technologySECUMATIC 4001SReal buoyancy280 NCO2 cartridge60 g CO2 DockBuoyancy chamber systemSECUMAR Winglet buoyancy chamber, retro-reflective strips, dedicated light attachment point, in protective coverstandard equipmentprotective cover, softshell neck area, oral valve, whistle, manual override, reflective strips, firing mechanism acccess zip, suspension loop, lifejacket storage bagColorblueHarnessyesClosurefront click buckleBack partpadded back strap, Vertically adjustable back strapCrotch strapyesRecovery beltyesSpraycapyesEmergency lightoptionalTransmitter preparationyesInspection windowyesReflective stripesyesSize / body weightover 50 kgType of clothingheavy weather clothingSpare set60 g C02Article-No. 3286-932
Lightweight all-round model, packed extra flat for optimum freedom of movement. Equipped with the automatic release 4001S and a buoyancy force of 170 N. The control window allows you to check at a glance whether the life jacket is ready for use. The neck fleece prevents chafing when worn.Why five working days delivery time? We deliver a fresh life jacket. This is from the latest SECUMAR production and the first maintenance date is not due for at least two years. Of course, you are welcome to try on this vest (as well as a lot of other SECUMAR models we offer) as a sample in our shop.Available in two colors and with or without integrated harness.With the separate accessory package the ULTRA 170 HARNESS can be retrofitted according to ISAF / WORLD SAILING Offshore Special Regulations (OSR). The set consists of a SECULUX LED distress light and a Spraycap 170.ModelULTRA 170Buoncy class150 N (ISO 12402)ApprovalCEType of buoyancyinflatableInflation technologySECUMATIC 4001SReal buoyancy165 NCO2 cartridge32 g CO2 DockBuoyancy chamber systemCLASSIC buoyancy chamber, bright yellowstandard equipmentIn protective cover, neck fleece, oral valve, whistle, lifejacket storage bagColorblue/grey or black/greyHarnessoptionalClosurefront click buckleBack partVertically adjustable back strapCrotch strapyesRecovery beltyesSpraycapoptionalEmergency lightoptionalTransmitter preparationnoInspection windowyesReflective stripesyesSize / body weightover 50 kgType of clothingheavy weather clothingSpare set32 g C02Article-No. 3286-927
Automatic children's life jacket of the 150N class with integrated harness for children from 20-50 kg. The float is equipped with the DUO PROTECT double wall system and has a buoyancy of approx. 110 N (equivalent to 150 N for adults).Why five working days delivery time? We deliver a fresh life jacket. It comes from the latest SECUMAR production and the first maintenance date is not due for at least two years.The function control window allows you to check the vest before putting it on by means of three green indicators. The short design and a removable neck fleece make the life jacket particularly comfortable to wear without restricting freedom of movement. Thus, the SECUMAR JUNIOR offers an ideal combination of harness system and fully automatically inflating, almost fainting-proof lifejacket with winglet float (DIN EN ISO 12402-3).ModelSECUMAR JUNIORBuoncy class150 N (ISO 12402)ApprovalCEType of buoyancyinflatableInflation technologySECUMATIC 3001SReal buoyancy110 NCO2 cartridge22 g CO2 DockBuoyancy chamber systemSECUMAR Winglet buoyancy chamber, SECUMAR Duo Protect, dual walled system, retro-reflective strips, dedicated light attachment point, in protective coverstandard equipmentIn protective cover, neck micro-fleece, oral valve, whistle, lifejacket storage bagColorblueHarnessyesClosurefront click buckleBack partpadded back strapCrotch strapyesRecovery beltyesSpraycapnoEmergency lightoptionalTransmitter preparationnoInspection windownoReflective stripesyesSize / body weightover 50 kgType of clothingheavy weather clothingSpare set60 g C02Article-No. 3286-932
Fully automatic 275 N-class lifejacket with very good features at a fair price: The vest is supplied with click quick release, harness, window to check the automatic release, neck fleece, zip, spray cap, crotch strap and storage bag.Why delivery time?We deliver a fresh life jacket. This vest comes from the latest KADEMATIC production and the first maintenance date is not due for at least two years. Of course, you are welcome to try on this waistcoat (as well as all other KADEMATIC models we offer) as a sample in our shop.The buoyancy of 290 Newton ensures safe turning into the supine position even with heavy weather protective clothing and offers safety even in waters far from shore.An emergency light can be retrofitted.Modell275 ALFProtective Coverblack/turquoise orblack/redHarnessyes, with double D-ringWeight1400 gApprovalEN ISO 12402-2Buoyancy class275 NewtonBuoyancy290 NewtonLeg strapyesEmergency lightretrofittableSpraycapyesSpare set63 g CO2 Article 3214-118
Automatic life jacket of 275N class specially designed for fire department or other rescue service operations. It is approved according to DIN EN-ISO 12402-2 and DIN EN-ISO 12402-6. The vest is equipped with safety quick-release fastener, 2-tone signal flute and storage bag. The A F4 has an additional neck fleece.Why delivery time?We deliver a fresh life jacket. This vest comes from the latest KADEMATIC production and the first maintenance date is not due for at least two years.For adults from 150 cm tall with a body weight of 50 to 120 kg.The KADEMATIC 275 A F4 has a removable D-ring on the back part (not a harness according to DIN EN-ISO 12401). This can be used (with a strength of 320 kg) as an anchor point for a safety line during operations on and near the water.The KADEMATIC 275 A F3 can be worn in combination with a breathing apparatus and a modern full-face helmet. The vest can be put on over the already attached compressed air cylinder. Tested without complaints in accordance with EN 136:1998 (D) section 8.6 and EN 469:2014 (D) section 6.4. The protective cover made of metallized Preox para-aramid fabric is extremely resistant to heat and open flames. As accessories (see further down on this page under "Accessories") a SOLAS LED life vest light (Article-No. 3213-024) and a leg strap standard (Article-No. 3224-101) can be added by yourself. Modell275 A FProtective Coverred, blue, metalisedHarnessnoWeight1700 gApprovalEN ISO 12402-2EN ISO 12402-6Buoyancy class275 NewtonBuoyancy290 NewtonLeg strapretrofittableArt-No. 3224-101Emergency lightretrofittableArt-No. 3213-024SpraycapnoSpare set63 g CO2Art-No. 3214-118