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Bulbs & LEDs for navigation lights
4 products
LED BaY15d 10-30 v
€20.90 *
This LED modul is equipped with 30 bright LEDs.It fits in the BaY15d socket of navigation lights. It can replace the classic navigation bulbs.Consumption is only 3 W, 350 lm, 3000K. This LED lamp is not approved for the use in navigation lights!Bulb socket BaY15d.For 10 - 30 volt.

Bulb for navigation light BaY15d 12 v / 24 v
€12.00 *
Bulb for navigation light / postion lantern with bayonet socket BaY15d. Optionally for 12 or 24 volts.For vessels under 20 m: stern and anchor light require 10 W, all other lanterns 25 W.Please note: The bulb is part of the approval of navigation light. If an incandescent lamp without approval is used as replacement, the approval of the complete lantern expires. Therefore, it only makes sense to have approved bulbs on board as a reserve.Our marine light bulbs come from Danlamp, Peters & Bey or the RADIUM brand. They have the required approval (type examination by the BSH - Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie).

Bulb for navigation light P28s-socket 24 v
€17.30 *
Bulb for navigation light / postion lantern with P28s socket for 24 volts.Please note: The bulb is part of the approval of navigation light. If an incandescent lamp without approval is used as replacement, the approval of the complete lantern expires. Therefore, it only makes sense to have approved bulbs on board as a reserve.Our marine light bulbs come from Danlamp, Peters & Bey or the RADIUM brand. They have the required approval (type examination by the BSH - Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency).
Mantle for DHR propane gas navigation light
€28.90 *
Hard gas mantle with magnesia ring suitable for DHR propane lantern. The gas mantle is placed in the lantern and glows due to the combustion of the lit gas. Lasts up to 3000 hours of operation.