Quick order
On this page you are able to perform a quick order. Please enter the order numbers of articles and the desired quantity. If you are not sure about the order number, you can also enter the article name. In this case a search for the article will be performed. The search results appears in a list and you can select the correct article.
The shopping list is saved during your current session. If the session is closed or expired, the shopping list is empty again.
You can upload a list created on your computer. Please open tab "Upload (CSV)" for more information about uploading files. Remember to download your list, if you want to work on it on a later time.
Your shopping list (0)
Please enter the articles and quantities you want to order. The availability of the article is checked and displayed directly while typing. You can enter all data completely via keyboard. In the result list, you can navigate through the results with the arrow up and arrow down key. With the enter key, you can select the correct entry.
Here you can upload a list of items with quantities. Please use a CSV file (comma-separated list) with the character ;
as separator. In the first line of the CSV file, please set productNumber;
Alternatively, you can also save an Excel list, with one column each for the article number and for the quantity, as a CSV file (CSV (delimiter-separated)(*.csv)). The first line in this file must also contain a header line with the text productNumber;
If the file is processed successfully, the number of items will be entered in the shopping list as noted in the file.
Attention: If you have already maintained a shopping list, this will be overwritten when you upload a file. Use the download function to save the list beforehand. You can upload it again later and continue working on it. You can also use a previously downloaded list as a template for other lists.