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42 €
45 €
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42 €
45 €
Parachute rockets
2 products

Red parachute rocket CF3 SOLAS
€42.50 *
Hand-held parachute rocket, red: Reliable emergency signal, safe and reliable in storage and hand use.Max. height 350 m, burning 40 sec at 30.000 cd. Certificated SOLAS 74, IMO-Resolution MSC.81(70). Pyrotechnic emergency signal BAM-Klasse P2: May only be sold to customers who have a boat license with the registered exemption following "Paragraph 1 Abs.3 Erste SprengV" or equivalent (a photocopy will do) Pyrotechnic equipment may not be shipped outside Germany! Higher shipping costs inside Germany also apply. PYROPOL distress signals:Quality has been the guiding principle of Mr. Carl Flemming, who founded the company in Hamburg more than one hundred years ago. Today the company develops, produces and markets pyrotechnic distress signals. Now the family business is run in the third generation by the grandson of the founder. Savety, reliability and quality are always of the highest order. All PYROPOL distress signals are CE certified and inspected and approved by the BAM (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung).
White parachute rocket CF3
€45.00 *
Hand-held parachute rocket, white: Reliable emergency signal, used for collision warning and to illuminate areas in search and resque operations.Safe and reliable in storage and hand use.Max. height 350 m, burning 30 seconds at 90.000 cd. May only be sold to customers who have a boat license with the registered exemption following "Paragraph 1 Abs.3 Erste SprengV" or equivalent (a photocopy will do). Usable 3 year. Pyrotechnic equipment may not be shipped outside germany! PYROPOL distress signals:Quality has been the guiding principle of Mr. Carl Flemming, who founded the company in Hamburg 1910. Today the company develops, produces and markets pyrotechnic distress signals. Now the family business is run in the third generation by the grandson of the founder. Savety, reliability and quality are always of the highest order. All PYROPOL distress signals are CE certified and inspected and approved by the BAM (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung).