BLUE is a clear, odorless naphthene paraffin, without any additional perfumes.Ideally suited for stoves, lamps and heaters.Advantages: In paraffin cookers or heaters no clogging of the nozzle, in lamps it provides carbon-free burning.Naphten paraffin may also be used to remove rust and for cleaning purposes.
Wick of proven natural-fiber webbing, with indicator threads.Cut to length.Various manufactures for various burner types.Please measure your old wick exactly when ordering.
Burners for petroleum lamps, made of brass. The burners consist of two parts: the basket is screwed to the tank of the petroleum lamp and holds the glass cylinder, the wick tube holds and regulates the wick. The size of the burners is given in the classic measure "linear", depending on the wick used. In order to give you an idea of the brightness of the burners, we indicate with which 220 Volt filament lamp the light intensity of a petroleum burner is approximately comparable in each case. 6"'5 Watt8"'8 Watt10"'10 Watt14"'15 Watt
Paraffin (kerosene) burners for lamps are made up of two parts:A burner socket (with wick) and a glass holding ring (to hold the glass cylinder).For lamps with VESTA glass shades or cardboard shades, one needs both a burner socket and a glass holding ring.We offer complete burners or single parts.
The additional bands make the installation of a cardboard or VESTA glass shade possible.The complete paraffin burner with bands is made up of a holding ring and a burner socket with wick.Made from polished brass.