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Tarred twine, made from hemp-colored polypropylene staple fibers.
The tarring process allows this twine to bind well and makes it extremely UV-resistant and absolutely rot-proof.
Ideal for attaching hanks and ratlines, for whipping, for cringles and much more.

Comes in three classic thicknesses: marline (thin), housing (middle) and spun (heavy).

Tarred yarn has been used aboard sailing ships for rigging, to serve and knot tying, as well as for tying ratlines and hanks for centuries.
In Scandinavia especially, the twine made from two yarns tarred caulk (Dansk Merling) is used for fancy work.
MARLINE, made from 3 threads (when PP it is only made from 2 threads), is suitable for example for serving wires of 14mm maximum.
HOUSING is made from 4 threads (when PP it is only made from 3 threads) and is commonly used for serving and tying in of ratlines.
SPUNYARN is made from 7-8 threads and is mostly used to serve thick splices
Additionly we offer a somewhat thinner 5-strand SPUNYARN which has been proven to serve wires from 20mm thickness.

Historically these yarns were made from hemp which had to be impregnated in Swedish tar for conservation. Wood tar is washed out by rain and spindrift unfortunately, with the effect, that the materials used in the rig have to be newly tarred twice a year.
Nowadays those tarred yarns are made from rot-proof PP staple fibre (SPLEITEKS) threads. As a protection against UV rays these also have to be tarred now and then, but they forgive a lack of maintenance much better than natural fibres.

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