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Heavy ship's bell made of polished brass. The bell is manufactured using the traditional sand casting process. It is cleanly turned and polished on the outside and cast-grey on the inside. The surface is unlacquered.

Type-tested and approved by the BSH (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency - Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie). You will find the National Approval as a pdf file under "Downloads".

Equipment regulation according to KVR/COLREG, rule 33a:

  • All ships over 20 m (ship class I, II, III) carry a bell with a diameter of at least 300 mm.
  • Ships under 20 m (ship class IV) are not required to be equipped in accordance with COLREG/COLREG. However, a bell with a diameter of 200 mm is recommended.

Delivery includes test certificate for the bell.

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